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发表于 2009-3-5 19:57:58 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
美國大學及歐美日新興的能量療癒生命科學  800年傳承的中華國寶”峨眉臨濟氣功飬生學”

Workshop: The Healing Arts of Emei Qigong

主辦: 心一堂
導師: 本中心導師
客席主講: 峨眉臨濟宗第13代掌門偉中宗師

工作坊(4) 費用: 500    2009
37(週六)- 8(), 14(週六)-15(): 下午1:307:30 ( 38 提早於6:30pm完結)
: 集體能量(氣場)調理  38日下午6:30-7:30   費用: 200
查詢/報名:      Tel: 92510101

簡介:       提高及保持身心健康愉悅、祛病強身、 延年益壽、去除身心煩惱壓力及不安情緒、開發智慧及慈悲心。能以輕鬆、積極、愉快心情面對生活中的逆境和挑戰。

歷史:       峨眉臨濟氣功創於南宋, 800多年歷史, 博大精深、溶會了中國傳統中醫學、氣功飬生學、佛、道、武、易學、禪修等, 通過長期發展及實踐;  理論、功法、治療調理等各方面都很完備。 1950年代始以峨嵋十二莊等功法在民間普傳, 現代大部份氣功流派均受其影響。1995年當代掌門人傳偉中宗師定居美國後, 多年來與美國當地大學、實驗室合作研究氣功及氣功療癒, 並在美洲、歐洲、日本、東南亞各地推廣峨眉臨濟氣功, 近年結合現代科學、心理學等及多年教學、治療經驗, 以”能量平衡理論”為本, 現代及科學的語言, 深入淺出從原理,方法, 操作各方面對學員作出系統地教授及培訓。
現今美國有數千人, 全世界有二百多萬人練習峨眉氣功並身心受惠, 現邀得當代掌門人傳偉中宗師親臨, 參加者不限年齡、背境,機會難逄, 名額有限, 先到先得



峨眉氣功核心功法 - 峨眉無極功等
聲音療癒法, 能量氣功療癒的六個秘訣
培養正面能量, 消除負面能量, 轉移病氣(能量)及不安情緒


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 楼主| 发表于 2009-3-5 20:00:04 | 显示全部楼层
傅偉中宗師簡介:現任國際氣功學會(美國)會長及多個學會的顧問及榮譽會長. 曾任北京氣功研究會理事、美國美洲中醫學院客座教授, 及在美國多所大學氣功課程導師、演講: 如加州柏克萊大學、聖地牙哥大學、佛羅裏達州大學等等. 著有<<峨嵋臨濟氣功——峨嵋十二莊述真>>等多部著作.傅宗師1949年出生於中醫世家, 六歲跟曾當清末醫的外祖父習中醫及針灸, 七歲習武, 十三歲拜形意八卦名家駱興武為師, 十八歲在東北行醫. 1976年遇峨眉臨濟氣功十二代掌門巨贊法師, 此後學習承繼全盤峨眉臨濟宗, 80年代中已成為國內著名氣功大師之一, 用其氣功及醫術助人無數,。至1984, 傳偉中被選中為十三代傳人. 承繼其師得之於民, 用之於民之宗旨,  多年來通過運用及教授峨嵋臨濟氣功, 就是定居美國後, 也一直弘揚, 希望更多人受益. 現今美國有數千人(包括西醫、中醫、博士及專業人士), 全世界有二百多萬人身心受惠. 近年受美國加州太平洋醫療中心(California Pacific Medical Center)邀請, 進行以氣功外氣治療腦癌細胞的實驗, 得到很好的效果, 事跡被美加電視Discovery Channel報導: http://www.emeiqigong.us/qigong-video.html

工作坊地點:   九龍旺角窩打老道79H怡安閣A3樓 中國文化協會
查詢/報名:   Tel: 92510101  
sunyatabook@gmail.com    http://www.sunyata.cc
221-22, 28-292:00-6:00pm親身到心一堂報名(九龍艷馬道8號盛馬苑2a(窩打老道九龍維景酒店旁))
 楼主| 发表于 2009-3-5 20:01:27 | 显示全部楼层
About Emei Qigong
Emei Qigong is a comprehensive system of Chan (Zen) Qigong that generates vital energy and leads to the attainment of ever higher levels of awareness. The study and practice of Emei Qigong promotes strong physical health, emotional balance and spiritual development.
Emei Qigong unlocks “meta-intelligence” and clears the way for the emergence of great human potential. This effective, multi-level system was distilled by Grandmaster Fu Wei Zhong from the vast troves of knowledge he commands as 13th lineage holder of Emei Qigong. It is simple to follow—but that is not to say that this is an easy path.
The practice emphasizes internal cultivation and cleansing the heart, which allow latent abilities to surface and the true nature of humanity and one's self to be expressed. Emei Qigong is a way of life that develops compassion, wisdom and power.
Emei Qigong differs from most other Qigong systems in several important ways:
Emei teachings and techniques have been passed down from lineage holder to lineage holder for nearly 800 years;
Countless people over the centuries have benefited from the Emei teachings;
Grandmaster Fu has been empowered as the official 13th Lineage Holder of Emei Qigong and each seminar is personally taught by him or by one of his senior students who has gone through extensive training before being authorized to teach;
Emei Qigong focuses on the healing aspects of using energy rather than martial arts training;
Emei Qigong teaches how to correctly cultivate qi (chi), which protects the practitioner from absorbing negative energy from people or things and also conserves and protects the energy of other living things;
Emei Qigong uses a heart-centered philosophy and teaches techniques that clear negative issues from the past, creating a fresh basis for one’s future behavior, actions and consciousness. Instead of extracting qi from living things or from the solar system, Emei Qigong teaches how to easily and safely self-generate qi. Many medical practitioners, acupuncturists, physical therapists, massage therapists, counselors and healers are incorporating the protective and healing techniques of Emei Qigong into their work.
True Qigong should go beyond qi-generating forms and postures. True Qigong is a way of life.
Emei Qigong recognizes that our planet is facing tremendous challenges and that this reflects a divide between the forces of kindess and evil. We find ourselves attracted to negative thoughts and emotions, the effects of which enter our minds and bodies. These present obstacles and challenges for us that can be overcome by strengthening our internal state. When the internal organs are strong and the heart is pure, the harmful energy of external evils are unable to enter.
The methods of Emei Qigong allow us to unify with the Wuji qi, the infinite emptiness from which all things sprang. It is a process of empowerment. The very specific techniques and Chan postures and forms of Emei Qigong, passed down through an unbroken lineage for almost 800 years, help elevate the student to higher levels of consciousness. By moving internal energy and cultivating the heart-mind, the past can be cleared and the heart can be fully purified and opened. When the heart is open, enlightenment and peace become a reality.
E-Mei Training Overview
For centuries, the West has focused its energies on conquering the external world and controlling the elements. The benefits of this pursuit are all around us, in the comforts and conveniences of modern life—but we have lost a great deal along the way. The greatest loss can be seen in how we live: We are no longer in harmony with nature. This disharmony, this separation from nature, is very stressful. The hectic pace of modern life adds insult to injury. It’s hardly surprising, then, that inner peace and a sense of calm elude most men and women today. Qigong not only restores health—it also restores our harmony with nature, bringing deep relaxation and serenity.
As a result of this separation from nature and the toll that stress takes, most people alive today are unaware of the many innate abilities they possess. Birds know when a storm is approaching. Many animals sense when an earthquake is coming, often hours or days before the temblor strikes. We marvel at the ability of the sea turtles to find their birthplace and of the monarch butterflies to find a particular forest, in each case traveling across thousands of miles. But these activities are simply the result of being attuned to nature. Qigong is a bridge that makes it possible for a human being be become similarly attuned. Emei Qigong is an ancient system for health, healing, rejuvenation and spiritual development. It is a complete system, the practice of which encompasses physical forms and exercises, meditation, nutrition, healing techniques and spirituality. It is also possible to simply practice individual elements as needed or desired.
The training combines medical knowledge with understandings from Buddhism, Daoism and the true nature of all things. It provides the advantages of the dynamic-arts training of Daoism and the deep meditation of Buddhism, and it is also closely connected with Traditional Chinese Medicine. The Emei Qigong training system cultivates both mind and body, in motion as well as in stillness. Students learn in a graduated, step-by-step manner. The book “The Healing Arts of Emei Qigong” gives an overview of the principles and skills that Emei Qigong teaches. Those who choose to walk its path will find a wealth of information about nutrition, energy healing, herbs, acupuncture, exercise, philosophy, consciousness, and spiritual awareness and attunement.
The system is laid out in an orderly style, removing guesswork about what to do or how to practice. Students learn a number of Qigong movement forms and Chan meditations, as well as powerful techniques for self-healing and for healing others that include qi (energy) transmission and meta-acupuncture. The practice includes movement, visualization, cultivating the eight senses, meditation, healing sounds and moving energy. There are six progressive levels of Emei Qigong cultivation. Summaries that explain the first four levels of training follow later on this page; more information can accessed through the drop-down menu under the Training tab.
Extensive and profound theory accompanies each level of training. Everything is taught in great detail, so students gain a thorough understanding of “why” and “how.” Anyone seeking a deep understanding of how Qigong really works will be delighted.
Emei Training LEVEL I Workshop
Go beyond words and discover what balancing body, mind and spirit truly means. In Emei Qigong Level I, you will learn Wuji Gong, the form that is the cornerstone of the practice, and how to sense your qi, or energy. You will be introduced to the fundamental theories of Emei Qigong, and you will have the opportunity to practice a variety of techniques for healing yourself and healing others. Specific topics include Emei Qigong’s healing sounds; how to use the Universal Mantra for healing yourself and others; the six secrets of qi healing; what empowered objects are and how to use them; how to transfer and clear disease energy and emotional disturbances; how to eradicate suffering, and how to sustain happiness.
GrandMaster Fu Wei Zhong
The future envisioned by Grandmaster Ju Zan centered on a young man named Fu Wei Zhong who began his training on the day he was born in 1949. Driven by an exceptional interest in old texts, he began studying traditional Chinese medicine and reading ancient Chinese philosophies when he was only six years old. By the age of 12, Fu Wei Zhong was treating and healing people with techniques he had learned from his reading and the instruction from his grandfather, a traditional Chinese medical doctor and the emperor’s family doctor.
He began his martial arts training in Shaolin Gongfu at the age of seven. Several years later, he became a student of Luo Xing Wu, an eminent Chinese martial arts grandmaster, from whom he learned many martial arts disciplines, including Xingyi and Bagua Gongfu.
Like many other young people during the Chinese Cultural Revolution, Fu Wei Zhong was sent to the northeast China Heilongjiang province. Because of his training, he was asked to work on a collective farm as a veterinarian. He was 18 years old when he arrived and opened a medical clinic. For eight years, he used traditional Chinese medicinal herbs and treatment techniques, including acupuncture and Chinese massage, to treat multitudes of sick people and animals with great success.
Fu Wei Zhong returned to Beijing in 1976 and taught martial arts at the Beijing Dongcheng District Martial Arts School for a year. He planned to take a master’s degree in religion and was looking for a renowned professor to guide him in the beginning. A friend, Liang Shu Ming, said that he would take him to meet Abbot Ju Zan, the Supreme Abbot of Chinese Buddhism and 12th Lineage Holder of Emei Qigong.
Fu Wei Zhong had had a recurring dream since childhood of a monk who would change his life. He didn’t know who the monk was or why the images were coming to him, but when he saw the face of the Abbot he recognized him as the monk from his dreams. At their meeting, they looked at each other and the Abbot said, “Oh, you’ve finally arrived, it’s time for you to train!” as if they already knew each other.
Fu Wei Zhong was invited to join a distinguished group of men and women chosen to undergo training and a selection process for the position of 13th layman Lineage Holder of Emei Qigong.
After six months of intensive training and testing, Fu Wei Zhong was selected by His Holiness, Grandmaster Ju Zan, to receive further instruction in Buddhism, Daoism, traditional Chinese medicine, Taijiquan, Qigong, Feng Shui, future prediction, and other Dharma methods exclusively transmitted from one Lineage Holder to another within the Emei Qigong system. During this time, Fu Wei Zhong was often in seclusion—studying, cultivating, and integrating the system’s ancient texts into practical forms and easy-to-read language that could be effectively taught to the public.
In 1984, the title of the 13th Lineage Holder was bestowed on Fu Wei Zhong. He received the Emei Qigong sacred book “The Emei Treasured Lotus Canon” and officially assumed the title of Grandmaster as well as the responsibilities of being the Lineage Holder. Grandmaster Ju Zan directed him to begin teaching publicly, “In order to end the pain and suffering of the world and to allow Emei Qigong to bring out humanity to shine like the sun.”
In the spring of 1985, Fu Wei Zhong began teaching Emei Qigong healing techniques throughout China, thereby initiating a national revitalization of the role of Qigong in Chinese medical theory and practice. In 1989, he went into seclusion again to meditate for three years so that he could further develop Emei Qigong techniques so they could be more easily taught to the public in our fast-paced modern society. It was during this period of extended meditation that he was able to achieve the Qigong state necessary to decode the sacred Emei Qigong skills. Fu Wei Zhong was able to decipher this information and now teaches these skills in his lectures, seminars and writings.
Grandmaster Fu believes that only by training thousands of skilled Emei Qigong practitioners will it be possible to restore and preserve the health of millions. He has personally treated, healed and helped thousands of people—the rich and famous as well as orphans and patients considered incurable. China’s late president Deng Xiao Ping was among those helped by Grandmaster Fu. Using the methods of Emei Qigong cultivation, medical qigong and traditional Chinese herbal medicine, Grandmaster Fu has successfully cured tens of thousands of people who have come to him for healing.
At age 36, he was recognized as one of the most prominent grandmasters of Qigong and Traditional Chinese Medicine. The Chinese have dubbed him “Emei Wizard” and “China’s Medical Buddha," as well as deeming him “The Father of Modern Medical Qigong.” In addition, Fu Wei Zhong has been made lifetime president of two Qigong institutions: The International Medical Qigong Academy and The Emei Linji International Qigong Medical Research Institute, and he holds honorary positions and titles in more than 50 hospitals, medical colleges, Qigong clinics and Qigong associations in China.
Fu Wei Zhong is a learned scholar. Having read thousands of books, both Chinese and foreign, he is well versed in the medical, philosophical and theological theories of different schools, both Eastern and Western. While studying, he took careful notes and wrote down his reflections, which number over three million words. To date, he has published six books and over twenty treatises in China.
Fu Wei Zhong immigrated to the United States in 1995. His goal was to disseminate Emei Qigong’s therapeutic techniques so that its methods could be fused with contemporary western medical techniques. His goal is to alleviate much of the suffering in today’s world. He is determined to transmit the knowledge and skills of Emei Qigong to the American public.
Since his arrival in the United States, Grandmaster Fu has given lectures and workshops in over 30 American cities. He was invited to the University of San Francisco and the University of California at San Diego to lecture on Qigong and was a visiting professor at the American
College of Traditional Chinese Medicine in San Francisco, where he taught curriculum-required courses on the Emei methodology of Qi (energy) emission for diagnosis and treatment. In 1996, he participated in an experiment at the Atlantic
Hospital in California that involved the emission of Qi into cancer cells. The initial positive results enabled the experiment to be taken to a bigger scale. In 2001, these encouraging results were published in the magazine, Spirituality and Health.Fu Wei Zhong also participated in an experiment conducted by the California Pacific Medical Center of Complementary Medicine Research Institute to test Qigong and other holistic modalities in the treatment of brain tumors from a distance. The Discovery Channel filmed Grandmaster Fu at the Medical
Center and aired the documentary in Canada on a show called “Daily Planet.”
As of 2006, there are many thousands of Emei Qigong students in the United States and 2 million followers of Emei Qigong worldwide. What the world needs now, more than ever, is a heart-centered system like Emei Qigong to bring health, vitality and true kindness to people.
In the fall of 2006, Grandmaster Fu taught the Level IV seminar, the Emei Qigong Level I Teacher’s Training, for the first time. This month-long session was held at Emei
Mountain in China, and students stayed at the Emeishan Grand Hotel at the base of the mountain during this time. The training was successful; students emerged from this intensive training with a much deeper and comprehensive undertanding of Emei Qigong, and many will continue their training to become Level I teachers. A second group of prospective Level I teachers took Level IV in 2007.
For the next few years, Grandmaster Fu will concentrate on training the monk who will become the next lineage holder in China and the students who will become Emei Qigong Level I teachers in North America.
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